Monday, February 26, 2018


           Gender is shown as a pretty important topic throughout the novel. It seems that determined by your gender, you can only achieve or do certain things. Arnold and many others recognize this but do look into it. This is limiting people with what they can do. This process could change society and make an entirely different world than we know of.

           Everyone is allowed to think and say what they want, but not what they want to do. This gave the inference of what jobs people could get or what they could do in general. This book may have been a sign to show what society today can turn into. All of the aspects of judgment gets bad throughout the novel. People need to learn from this and do something different. 

ATDPTI Poverty

            The idea of poverty for the main character changes a lot of his opinions and thoughts of his life. He begins to see others as having higher powers even though they just have more money. He tries to keep himself in the same "ranking" as the others throughout the story. He makes his own decisions and distinguishes others as he wants to. He thinks of everyone differently just because of his home and past.

          Poverty shows him differently in front of other people. It seems like in this book and society, if people are poor, they are judged more and treated like a lesser class. Arnold struggles with everything but is able to fight through it and forget about it. He makes his own life what he wants it to be. People today and in the book should look at themselves more to see what judgment is when they rather not be judged.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Cartoon in ATDPTI

           One part of the book had a very significant cartoon that had stood out to me. It was a split picture of the differences between Arnold and white people. It shows the kind of racism used by both races against each other. It gives a comparison of the aspects of clothing and material between both races.
            It is kind of a weird cartoon at first by drawing. It requires a lot of understanding of a lot of stores to understand it. It should not be looked at as an accurate picture. This gives a pure example of the racism through the book. Hopefully, many will agree to this opinion.

Race in ATDPTI

           Race is very significant in the novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. Arnold has to deal with originally live in an area almost segregated to other towns. His race determines how people look at him in stores, schools, etc. Some people considered the races as part of superiority in sports. This is ridiculous and relates to life today.
            Luckily people like Arnold's girlfriend do not care about his race. She sets the example of someone seeing different people as the same. Arnold proves himself in a lot of situations throughout the novel. It is not right to treat others differently just because of the race of their skin. People should be treated by their actions.

Ethan- Purple Hibiscus Response