Monday, October 30, 2017

Austin- Prompt
Drew- Human Nature 


            Why does the world work like it does? Many have thought of this question especially with what is happening now. There have been many violent acts, tragedies, and more that we have all experienced. Everyone on this planet wonders what is happening to our world making it worse. I will try to answer this question the best I can in this matter of time.

             We all disagree on many things with each other, it is a common thing. The trouble is when threats and violence are used to dispute something instead of settling it normally. This violence has become too much of a normal thing today. It is as if we were not the same, which we are. Power, money, and greed are becoming too overwhelmed in today's world. We need to forget about the power and start worrying about peace before we damage the existence of the human race.

Human Nature

           Human nature is the basis for all of our lives. It is how we act, live and make decisions in the toughest of times. It is created and changed in everyone's lives. Our nature depends on our actions and our mistakes. It is what states us as a human and what we do with its good and bad consequences. It is not an excuse or belief, it is a way of life.

            I believe in this because of the way I have been raised and the way I live my life. I believe in my Christian faith which shows that God put us on this planet for a reason. He wants us to have this and enjoy life with it. I had been taught this all throughout middle school which is now an influence on my life. This involves not only us believing in this, but also for us to live through this.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Austin- A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings
Cason- Free Post

Reading Response

            A book I have been reading outside of school lately is called The Berlin Boxing Club. It deals with a boy who struggles in school and what people claim him to be. He is made fun of a lot and is separated from his past friends. It is a very vivid and detailed story that I recommend to all who are considering to read it. I am still reading it and hope to enjoy it more and more as it gets better and better.

Fall Break Free Post

           Over the fall break, I had a lot of fun meeting with my Olympic weightlifting coaches after I had not seen them in a while. One of the coaches of mine has recently been put in many Hall of Fame lists in both this state and in this country. It had been great to talk about what had been the most recent things that had been happening. After we had talked, we started working on our technique on all of our lifts. This preparation gets me ready and them ready for future competitions and meets. On that day, it had been so great to meet with the people I consider my family in that weight room. 

Monday, October 2, 2017

The Fall

         Jeff and his friends went to Portland, Oregon for their summer vacation to visit and go skydiving. Jeff had mainly knew of Skydiving Central because his brother had owned it ever since he bought it ten years before. After the group had gone through many training lessons, they finally got onto a plane to skydive for the first time. All of them had been shaking as the plane took off and there was not a chance in turning back now. In less than twenty minutes, they had reached the area to start skydiving. Each of Jeff's friends had gone first with a successful attempt and unbelievable memories to be remembered. Jeff was now the only one left to jump and was the most afraid. After contemplating it for a while, he had finally jumped. His parachute had been broken as he had fallen out of the plane which left him free falling to the ground, with only the prayer of one of his friends saving him. 

Harrison Bergeron

          Harrison Bergeron is a short story that I had read that had been really entertaining. One of the characters, Harrison Bergeron had really stood out in detail during the story to me. He had been the son of Hazel and George Bergeron during 2081 who had also recently escaped from jail. He was a fourteen-year-old boy that was not handicapped and he had been very large for his age. In this climatic story, Hazel watched television until a report came on about Harrison's report from jail. This had been the start of the climax of the story.

           Hazel and George had mainly just been watching television and relaxing before the chaos had happened. Many people were handicapped because of the handicap general making them be handicapped.This had helped bring people to one level and no one would exceed. This story had many vivid details and was very entertaining. I hope many other people get to read it as well. This story makes me wonder the question: what does equality truly mean in this story?
Addi- An Adventure
Cade- Harrison Bergeron

Ethan- Purple Hibiscus Response