Monday, October 2, 2017

The Fall

         Jeff and his friends went to Portland, Oregon for their summer vacation to visit and go skydiving. Jeff had mainly knew of Skydiving Central because his brother had owned it ever since he bought it ten years before. After the group had gone through many training lessons, they finally got onto a plane to skydive for the first time. All of them had been shaking as the plane took off and there was not a chance in turning back now. In less than twenty minutes, they had reached the area to start skydiving. Each of Jeff's friends had gone first with a successful attempt and unbelievable memories to be remembered. Jeff was now the only one left to jump and was the most afraid. After contemplating it for a while, he had finally jumped. His parachute had been broken as he had fallen out of the plane which left him free falling to the ground, with only the prayer of one of his friends saving him. 


  1. Very interesting story Tristen, I like your detail about Jeff jumping and how your story ends.

  2. This is such an interesting story. That's crazy how his parachute broke!

  3. This story really did not seem like a story in less than 100 words. I am very impressed how you manage to drag the story out and make is seem longer.


Ethan- Purple Hibiscus Response