Monday, November 6, 2017

Lord of the Flies

              The Lord of the Flies novel is a very interesting book with vivid detail and a mysterious plot. It has a good way of telling the story with its specific details and exact imagery of the island. It is interesting on how the kids react to the situation that they are in. They have an interesting way of using their resources and helping each other. This whole story has a lot of twist and turns than has not let me settle on one part of the story.

               The Lord of the Flies also provides confusing parts in the story that the reader may understand or may interpret different. It also gives the inference of what human society truly is for the kids. As I continue reading, I find new details that changes the story. The evidence of what the kids do is also a huge part that will lead to consequences on the island. Even though the story is very descriptive and weird, I like the novel overall as a story of adventure and mystery.

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