Monday, January 29, 2018

Research Post

           I have been doing my research mainly on the Mayan indians. I ask about their significance and why they are so known. The information I have gotten has come from many different sources and with many different details. Their main significance is through their innovations and creations. I hope to get a good grade on it as well.
           I chose the topic because of my ancestry. My grandmother is from Guatemala and my bloodline makes me part Mayan Indian. I always have wondered about their civilization and culture. I thought that this project may be able to help me find out more about my ancestry. It has and I hope it will give me more knowledge about some of my ancestor's past.


  1. It's cool to have someone from other countries in your family. But I didn't really know anything about the Mayans until I learned about them in World History.

  2. I think it's so cool that you have Mayan ancestry ! It's awesome that you want to learn about your grandparents !

  3. I think its cool how you are writing your paper on something that actually means something to you. It sounds like you have been doing a lot of research. Good luck.

  4. Interesting how you have such a close connection to your topic. Also, I don't really believe that the Mayan's get as much research as WW2 or any other major war. I am very glad that you are doing your topic on something that is so unique.


Ethan- Purple Hibiscus Response