Monday, March 26, 2018

Free Post

          I have a lot of things going on in my life right now. I have track, weightlifting, competitions, school, and more. Time is being stretched out like a rubber band to make sure that everything fits. I forget that each second is one that passes by in life and that I may never see again. As much as I stress for time, I have fun doing everything I love to do. It is right before spring break and I have a lot more to discover and do.

           I worry for some of the new competitions ahead. They can determine what happens for the rest of the year with either new competitions in higher rankings or going home and preparing for the next one. I am working harder than ever before, and everyday my body feels the soreness. It is not bad, but it is the building for the new day. It is a new year for me to plan. It may be a little late for plans since it is already March, but it needs to be taken day by day.

1 comment:

  1. Your life is very busy at the moment but sounds like it is really stressful. I wish you a good luck in your competitions and I am sure you will do good.


Ethan- Purple Hibiscus Response