Monday, April 9, 2018

Political Article

Mark Zuckerberg to meet with lawmakers ahead of Congressional testimony this week -Washington Post

          The author, Sally Persons, seems to give the inference of dislike towards Zuckerberg. It describes the future actions of Zuckerberg as his creation is being questioned. He will meet with different lawmakers about this situation. Persons states it kind of negatively towards him and shows most of his actions as a negative result. Many worry for this new controversy as many people use his social media app.

          I believe in the fact that the app is used on a computer, not anything else. If he had programmed it a certain way to use it, then it would be pretty hard to fix the entire system. Plus, many people use his system to put out many ads, it should not be his fault for others' businesses. The system is a very large system that can be very damaging to many people or very helpful to businesses. The use of it should be as responsible as people can be, not as a toy. 

1 comment:

  1. Zuckerberg and Facebook have certainly done something wrong in this breach of user data. I wish there was an easy way to fix it.


Ethan- Purple Hibiscus Response