Monday, August 21, 2017

        If you do not know me, let me introduce myself. My name is Tristen, but you can give me different nicknames that you would like to. With this blog that I have made, I would like to give my opinion and hopefully hear other opinions on topics that may be random or relevant to what is happening today. If at anytime you need to ask a question, state your opinion, or anything else, please comment so I can see your response. I will state my own true opinion on these topics so you do not see this blog as propaganda, full of lies, or not trustworthy.

      This blog will hopefully give people the reason to give your opinion and discover other opinions. I want to discuss important things and even the little things that could lead to big things. This is very important to me to help to achieve this goal. I am concerned on what to exactly say, to be honest, some things I might have just found out or discovered. But this does not matter, just finding out something does not mean you cannot state your opinion on it. Stick with your guts and say what you think should happen. I wish the best of luck and will get back to this blog as soon as possible.

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