Monday, September 11, 2017

Dear _- year old

       Dear 13 year old, do not worry about your future. Well, worry a little bit but mainly worry about what is happening right now. The more you worry about the past and the future, the less time you have to enjoy the present. Make the most out of the time you have now because that time will not be as free as it is now in the future. Nothing should be a true reason to worry about what will happen. The actions you make now will make your future.

       Do not try to create your future by becoming someone you are not. Let your actions determine your consequences and achievements. This allows you to live your life without worrying about things too much. Many people who have achieved a lot of great things and enjoy life around them usually live like this. As I am now just starting to try to do this, start now and do not allow yourself to miss this opportunity.

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