Tuesday, September 5, 2017

      For this blog, I would like to reflect on something that had been a tragedy sixteen years ago. I am talking about the attacks of September 11, 2001. This had been a very sad time for our country and the event that had taken place on this day. I have seen the movie World Trade Center which stars Nicholas Cage in a true story about this event. Many people had either died or had been affected by this horrible attack.

      In the movie, Nicholas Cage is a fire fighter chief who has a normal day until two planes start to crash into the twin towers. As the towers later fall, he becomes stuck with another fireman under all of the rumble and ruin. They had fought to stay alive until rescuers finally came. This is an event that both scared our country and brought us together. This story has inspired me to fight through the tough times no matter what because there is always something or someone to eventually help you. Please watch this movie, pray for the people who had been affected by this, and think about this terrible time that had happened on this day. Until the next post, enjoy life, live through faith, and never quit.

1 comment:

  1. I can tell this event really had a lasting effect on you. I will definitely watch this movie and remember the people that were affected by this truly terrible event.


Ethan- Purple Hibiscus Response