Monday, November 27, 2017

Draft Thesis

           In my thesis in the Lord of the Flies, I stated that human society changes in many things. It changes in the aspects of dangers, the disagreement in leadership, and the lack of trust in each other. This mainly relates to the end of the story throughout all of the characters. One of the main parts that I have mentioned is the disagreement in leadership. This affects the story heavily and gives the reader foreshadowing of what might happen.

            On page one hundred and twenty-six which states, "He isn't a proper chief". This creates the separation of the surviving children and creates enemies. Jack wanted to be a leader himself which causes him to say this. This proves my example of change in society by giving the scene of when this happened. All of these aspects are very important to prove my thesis about Lord of the Flies. This should hopefully give others more of an idea of the book so they would be interested in reading it.

Free Post

            For this post, I would like to talk about the adjustment to a new school. This is a very big change in my life as I moved on to high school. I am almost halfway through my freshman year. Time is passing by too fast around me. I know most of the other classmates that I have, which is still kinda bad when I see them everyday. I am just bad with names, I am still working on it.

             The classwork is also different than what I had in middle school. It is similar with homework everyday, but is different in the work and detail. My teachers are also much different in high school. Everyone around me is also seeing the changes and the more details that are needed. As I am still adjusting, I will let you know of the more things I discover and find in high school. 

Jack- Free Post

Addi- LOTF Thesis

Monday, November 13, 2017

LOTF Response

              On page 171, it shows the scene of Piggy trying to get Ralph to get his glasses back. He tells him of his strength and power over Piggy. He also tells of his asthma as a reason why he could not get them back. He also uses the conch as the example of what he left behind for Piggy. He is just looking for help with his glasses.

                During this, Ralph is still deciding what to do. They had lost their chance for fire and the chance of rescue. They are still both in shock of being mauled and stolen from. They know that Jack is the one to blame for his purpose in doing this. Either way, Piggy is worried about his glasses and is asking for Ralph for help.


             Tim left school and headed to his grandparents' as he usually did on Thursday afternoons. He continued to reflect on the day and listened to music. As he passed by a park, he noticed his neighbor's son, Joe, who was older than him and much bigger. He suddenly found himself stopping to see the group of people playing basketball. He then froze as he realized Joe was calling him to play against him.

              Tim finally was grabbed and pulled onto the court. He was not good at basketball at all in the past which made him worry. Joe would not stop taunting him in the beginning as he got a lead up onto the score. As the game was almost over, Tim decided to step up. He made shot after shot leading the score to only two points down. Tim got the ball and made the three pointer to win the game right in front of Joe. He left the park with more confidence and the defeat of someone in which many people feared.

Tim is David while Joe is Goliath in the story. This gives the inference of the small boy who eventually defeated the large man in a battle in which everyone would think Goliath would win.

Jack- LOTF Response

Cade- Symbolism

Monday, November 6, 2017

Vocabulary Post

         The stock of a business is very vital to the commerce around it. The stock is all of the materials that the business has. This term is used a lot especially during orders, trading, and commerce. An example of this is this computer for Best Buy is out of stock. This means that the store does not have it ready or on the shelves.

          Vital is something very lively or important. It can be referred to something extravagant or medical. An example of this is the liver is a very vital organ in your body. It should not be confused with vivid  or vial. Both of these vocabulary terms are used a lot in today's world.

Lord of the Flies

              The Lord of the Flies novel is a very interesting book with vivid detail and a mysterious plot. It has a good way of telling the story with its specific details and exact imagery of the island. It is interesting on how the kids react to the situation that they are in. They have an interesting way of using their resources and helping each other. This whole story has a lot of twist and turns than has not let me settle on one part of the story.

               The Lord of the Flies also provides confusing parts in the story that the reader may understand or may interpret different. It also gives the inference of what human society truly is for the kids. As I continue reading, I find new details that changes the story. The evidence of what the kids do is also a huge part that will lead to consequences on the island. Even though the story is very descriptive and weird, I like the novel overall as a story of adventure and mystery.

Ethan- Purple Hibiscus Response