Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Student Prompt

               The street that I live on is very important to me in all of my fifteen years. My street is unique by the way it is made, shaped and the atmosphere around it. It is made by millions of rocks on top of dirt by the side of a canal. It shapes with the different cars driving around it and the objects in its way. It goes around the trees and stays far enough away from the canal from falling in. The street is unique by its own way of making a road.

                Around it surrounds the canal, woods, farmland, a bayou and one or two houses. It is a peaceful area with no disturbance of traffic, cars, or weather. I have grown up with running on the road, using it to get to my hunting ground, biking on it, etc. It has had a huge effect on my life with its twists and turns. It has the potholes, ant piles, and many other things, but it still has the starting rock from when it was first made. 

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Ethan- Purple Hibiscus Response