Monday, March 26, 2018

Reading Response

          Purple Hibiscus is an interesting story with each of its characters and their actions. I begin to learn of the disturbing events in the novel. The dad is a very wealthy man in business as known outside of his house. Inside of his house, no one else understands his true self. His family struggles with the things he says and does that terrifies them for every second of their lives.

          Kambili and Jaja struggle in their childhood lives as they live through this terror. They wonder why this happens but never question as they might be punished. They are also raised in an environment where religion rules. Their father makes them pray and know their religion like the back of their hand. It becomes worse if they mess up in their workings or do anything wrong. They do not even have to do anything wrong to get punished. This story is very interesting and makes me wondering about it after every sentence. I hope many others read this book to understand the true horrors of some lives. i

Free Post

          I have a lot of things going on in my life right now. I have track, weightlifting, competitions, school, and more. Time is being stretched out like a rubber band to make sure that everything fits. I forget that each second is one that passes by in life and that I may never see again. As much as I stress for time, I have fun doing everything I love to do. It is right before spring break and I have a lot more to discover and do.

           I worry for some of the new competitions ahead. They can determine what happens for the rest of the year with either new competitions in higher rankings or going home and preparing for the next one. I am working harder than ever before, and everyday my body feels the soreness. It is not bad, but it is the building for the new day. It is a new year for me to plan. It may be a little late for plans since it is already March, but it needs to be taken day by day.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Somebody Else Will

          This song is a very nice song to listen to. It is soothing and gives the insight of a story. It is a narrative, an ode, and kind of a ballad. It is a great country song to relate to real life. It tells of the courage people need to do some things.

            It gives the insight of a man who likes a woman. He is afraid to talk to her and just keeps thinking of what would happen if he did not do anything. All he can say is how someone else will talk to her if he does not. It is spirited and gives a good insight.


It was the day to express
Only some pads to dress

It started in the morning
When most people would be snoring
Someone is working

The air in the face
Expressing why he will race
It is only three in the morning

It is the wait for later
Where no food is catered
And only blood reigns

The band is loud
The ground is shaking
And the whistle blows

Monday, March 5, 2018

LAUNCH response

          I liked all of the presentations presented during LAUNCH day. Each one had something specific and was different depending on who had made it. I had one favor in particular for his examination of responsibility in society. Charles's presentation gave an excellent idea of how to make responsible risks and actions as a teenager.

          I am not just saying this because he was a part of the football team. His presentation was short, but gave all the information that he wanted us to know. He used a simple way to explain how to make our decisions. Hopefully, many people received this information as a calling to help themselves and others. With this risk taking decision making, hopefully many people can follow it and avoid some experiences that some should not go through.

Today's Music

          Do you ever wonder why some music today is considered the "new best thing"? I never understand how people jump from song to song saying it is good yesterday and saying today that it is horrible. It makes absolutely no sense nowadays. I do not care about what genre, I just wonder about why it is good. It also does not help with how simple music is nowadays. No one now will understand the systems of the walker, the little cassette tapes, or the dvds.

          I found out of music from the classics. I love the old classics like Journey, Kiss, Johnny Cash, etc. No one has an idea how great these bands are except for the history. Most people today like to listen to rap or hip hop or whatever. I would just like people to remember the past, because once a huge part of music is gone, it may never be seen or heard of again.

Ethan- Purple Hibiscus Response