Monday, March 26, 2018

Reading Response

          Purple Hibiscus is an interesting story with each of its characters and their actions. I begin to learn of the disturbing events in the novel. The dad is a very wealthy man in business as known outside of his house. Inside of his house, no one else understands his true self. His family struggles with the things he says and does that terrifies them for every second of their lives.

          Kambili and Jaja struggle in their childhood lives as they live through this terror. They wonder why this happens but never question as they might be punished. They are also raised in an environment where religion rules. Their father makes them pray and know their religion like the back of their hand. It becomes worse if they mess up in their workings or do anything wrong. They do not even have to do anything wrong to get punished. This story is very interesting and makes me wondering about it after every sentence. I hope many others read this book to understand the true horrors of some lives. i

1 comment:

  1. I like the way you describe the struggle of Kambili and Jaja and how it is a religious heavy yet abusive heavy. It sounds like you are very empathetic towards the characters would should make for a good read.


Ethan- Purple Hibiscus Response