Friday, April 13, 2018

Reading Response

          As I read more and more of this novel, it becomes very interesting and concerning to me. The issues outside and inside of the family become worse and worse. I think the story will become worse as the problems become worse. That is my distinct prediction, but so far, anything can happen as I have seen so far. I hope that things become better between Kambili and her family as so far in this story, it shows the affects and actions of family members.

            I realized in the story the strength some people want or have. I am not just talking about physical strength, but also mental strength. The way Kambili deals with her emotions and feelings in bad times is amazing and concerning. I hope her strength inspires others to keep their mind that focused in that bad of a time. I hope the rest of the book supports that inspiration and idea for the greater good.

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Ethan- Purple Hibiscus Response