Monday, April 30, 2018

Hits and Misses

            Throughout the whole year, I was able to see my characteristics for writing and what I was best at. Each and every project gave me an idea of what I was truly good at in writing. My grades also determined how I could fix the details I would be weak in or what I was strong in. Without the comparisons of each project to go off of, I would not be able to get any better at writing and benefit for the next stage in high school.

              I was able to make creative ideas and connect details very well to understand a story and its purpose or theme. I had noticed this while I wrote in projects and made predictions for the different novels that we had read during the year. I also noticed the things I had struggled in during the year for writing and reading. I had a hard time interpreting certain phrases words and comparing different paragraphs to make either a thesis or statement. Without these ideas of what I could do to get better, then I would not be able to make any progress through my class for the rest of the year and years to come.

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