Monday, September 18, 2017

KC- Dialogue

Dylan- Personal Narrative


         David waited in the lobby of the airport as he wondered about seeing his two friends. He had just called both of them with both coming off the same plane. The plane had finally landed and David became ecstatic. He ran to the front doors and waited for his two friends. He would not expect how different they would look over 20 long years.
            "Hey!" exclaimed David.

            "Hey!" Chad shouted.

             "Where is John?" asked David.

             "Here I am!" John shouted.

           They ran to David's car and headed into town. They had planned what to do over the summer so the fall would be the time to meet. Their interest in Arizona's scenery and destinations made them what to go badly. They finally drove into their first destination. It was a creepy and large building which had looked abandoned.

             "What is this?" John asked.
             "The desert tour" answered David.

             "The what?" Chad wondered.

              "Come on" David demanded.

              "Lets go then" John said.

              "I guess so" Chad answered as all three of them went to the main desk and prepared for their desert tour.


Personal Narrative

          I have been recently been working on a personal narrative for my English class. I have chosen from many different ideas and stories. I had chosen to write about my view and experiences with the Flood of 2016. I have just started the paper but I am at a good start so far. I have tried to put as many specific details in the story as possible. Hopefully, I can get a good grade when the final paper is due.

          I had chosen this topic because of its huge effect on my life. It had lasted a while and also affected many of my family members. This had given me a lot to learn from and understand. The flood may have devastated me, but it did give me the feeling of strength in faith and hope. I hope you might be able to read it when I finish it and like it. Until the next post, enjoy life and live through faith.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Dear _- year old

       Dear 13 year old, do not worry about your future. Well, worry a little bit but mainly worry about what is happening right now. The more you worry about the past and the future, the less time you have to enjoy the present. Make the most out of the time you have now because that time will not be as free as it is now in the future. Nothing should be a true reason to worry about what will happen. The actions you make now will make your future.

       Do not try to create your future by becoming someone you are not. Let your actions determine your consequences and achievements. This allows you to live your life without worrying about things too much. Many people who have achieved a lot of great things and enjoy life around them usually live like this. As I am now just starting to try to do this, start now and do not allow yourself to miss this opportunity.

Reading Response

        A narrative that I have read lately is called Mint Snowball. This is about a little girl trying to find the recipe of her grandfather's unbelievably good mint snowball. This gives very good details and vivid imagery in every sentence of the story. It is a very entertaining story that makes the reader keep reading. I hope you can read it and like it too. Until my next post, enjoy life and have fun.
Drew- The Underdogs
Jack - Dear _ Year Old

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

      For this blog, I would like to reflect on something that had been a tragedy sixteen years ago. I am talking about the attacks of September 11, 2001. This had been a very sad time for our country and the event that had taken place on this day. I have seen the movie World Trade Center which stars Nicholas Cage in a true story about this event. Many people had either died or had been affected by this horrible attack.

      In the movie, Nicholas Cage is a fire fighter chief who has a normal day until two planes start to crash into the twin towers. As the towers later fall, he becomes stuck with another fireman under all of the rumble and ruin. They had fought to stay alive until rescuers finally came. This is an event that both scared our country and brought us together. This story has inspired me to fight through the tough times no matter what because there is always something or someone to eventually help you. Please watch this movie, pray for the people who had been affected by this, and think about this terrible time that had happened on this day. Until the next post, enjoy life, live through faith, and never quit.

        A book that I have been reading outside of school is a book called Retribution. It is written by David Hagberg and is based on a true story. This tells the story of the Navy SEALS during the time after they had stopped one of the most dangerous and feared people of all time. This person had been the main leader behind a very dangerous group and had caused 9/11. After they had eliminated this threat ten years after 9/11, they are now feared for their lives.

        This story gives very vivid details, good transitions, and gives a true insight of what had truly happened. This book keeps readers interested the whole time and makes them not want to stop reading. This is one of my favorite books to read especially when I have a lot of free time. I recommend this book to everyone who likes true stories and adventures. I hope you can take my advice in reading this book and enjoy it. Until my next post, enjoy life, live true in faith, and work hard for what you want.

Ethan- Purple Hibiscus Response