Monday, January 29, 2018

Research Post

           I have been doing my research mainly on the Mayan indians. I ask about their significance and why they are so known. The information I have gotten has come from many different sources and with many different details. Their main significance is through their innovations and creations. I hope to get a good grade on it as well.
           I chose the topic because of my ancestry. My grandmother is from Guatemala and my bloodline makes me part Mayan Indian. I always have wondered about their civilization and culture. I thought that this project may be able to help me find out more about my ancestry. It has and I hope it will give me more knowledge about some of my ancestor's past.

Reading Response

           The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian has been an interesting book to read. It is given in the mindset of a young teenage boy who is new to his environment. People treat him differently because of where he is from and what he looks like. This book shows so far how he deals with these situations. It has humor, facts, and much more throughout the first pages.
            The indian boy gets a girlfriend while he is at his new school. She is very beautiful and he is surprised about how they are dating. He has very few friends as many people hate him for who he is. He finds out people he can and cannot trust along the way. He tells his story throughout the book as it is a pure example of situational irony.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Winter Break

                Over winter break, I was very busy in work, activities, etc. I worked on organizing my room better and preparing for the new semester. I did not go on any ski trips or vacations or anything like that. I had mainly focused on what was coming up ahead. I knew I would not have all of the time in the world to mess around and do nothing.

                 I had mainly focused on work and organization as I had previously said. I had a pretty tight schedule with the many things that I had been doing. One major thing I did was workout for about a week each week for at least two hours. Preparation for anything is usually important to me. I had a pretty busy break except for sleeping.

Research Update

                Research is much different than many people think in aspects. The difference is a little different from learning to do it and actually doing it. It has its ups and downs but does benefit a lot. I have noticed how much organization it requires and the work you have to put in. It is a lot of steps and patience to finish the project.

                 It is a long process to go through with easier and harder parts. Finding the main sources are usually the hardest after finding all of the resources with information. I have no idea what to expect next when I am only half way through the process. Sometimes the easier parts are the last few steps which I hope they are. With this project, I have learned a lot more about true research and its steps.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

New Semester Reflection

               During the fall semester, I learned a lot on responsibility and the work it takes for school. I noticed how certain things affected school more than other things. I had also noticed the time it took to do a lot of assignments and when not to give up on something. My grades depended on how much time and work I truly put into school. I had learned many lessons along the way to make me change the way I will do school work.

                In the spring semester, I will substantially change the way that I do school work. I will put a lot more time into my work and the assignments that I do. This should improve my grades and I can get better results than in the fall semester. I was woken up in the fall semester and the spring semester will be the time to pick it back up again. Without the sudden rise and fall of last semester, I would not be inspired to improve this next semester.

Student Prompt

               The street that I live on is very important to me in all of my fifteen years. My street is unique by the way it is made, shaped and the atmosphere around it. It is made by millions of rocks on top of dirt by the side of a canal. It shapes with the different cars driving around it and the objects in its way. It goes around the trees and stays far enough away from the canal from falling in. The street is unique by its own way of making a road.

                Around it surrounds the canal, woods, farmland, a bayou and one or two houses. It is a peaceful area with no disturbance of traffic, cars, or weather. I have grown up with running on the road, using it to get to my hunting ground, biking on it, etc. It has had a huge effect on my life with its twists and turns. It has the potholes, ant piles, and many other things, but it still has the starting rock from when it was first made. 

Ethan- Purple Hibiscus Response